Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Discoverability: Connecting Books & Readers

Connecting readers to books was the focus of the DISCOVERABILITY & MARKETING, Digital Book World event held in new York  September 24 & 25, 2012.

hashtag: #DBWDM
Interesting tweets & links from the #DBWDM stream:

This is a really interesting dashboard of publisher social media presences. Kudos to the  team for making it:

 Here is the interview from  on the  with our current speaker, , FYI: 
Social is NOT 'one size fits all'. Learn the social currency of your community. 

Visual e-books are getting more popular - graphic novels, cookbooks - covers still important in  age -  

Comics are getting very popular on Nook -- highly visual stuff seeing big growth on the tablets. via  

  " is a wonderful way to generate traffic." Haupert also uses a weekly newsletter (using).

  on  has some 26,800 followers. Haupert likes  because entries persist, unlike tweets.

RT : THIS: "Sure, authors need platforms but why aren't *publishers* building their own platforms?" - Joe Pulizzi

Me too! RT : What I'm loving as an author at  Success = Desire - Risk.

Really love this email marketing preso from  - she has great presentation style and integrates humor well into examples.

.: Forget  (even books)- publishers need to build own  to serve niche audiences with  

Did you know:
- In 2011, nearly half of consumers changed their book-buying behavior
- 39% of book are sold online, 26% in stores, and the rest in nearly a dozen other ways
- People discover new books in up to 44 different ways" -Jeremy Greenfield, Digital Book World

As reaching readers becomes more fragmented, telling your story across platforms will only become more important. This is why some publishers & content creators are experimenting with transmedia (cross platform) storytelling. Giving your audience different ways to enter the story can't hinder discoverability right? (I'm looking for data now-please share if you have any)

Kelly Gallagher from Bowker Market Research released this book buying data
(available on the Digital Book World website)

related articles
Book Discovery Landscape Becomes More Complicated as Reader behavior Fractures, by Jeremy Greenfield, Digital Book World

Digital Book World Discoverability and Marketing Conference Day One Recap, by Bob Mayer, Digital Book World

Under The Radar-Digital Book World's Marketing & Discoverability Day One Recap, by Jen Talty, Write It Forward

Discoverability & marketing Conference: A Diversity of Challenges, by Porter Anderson, Digital Book World

Top Book Publishers Social media Dashboard, powered by BLIZMETRICS. 
Really interesting track of Twitter, Facebook and YouTube footprint for the major book publishers.

I'll continue to update this post.


Downloads of each presentation will be available this week on  

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