Friday, April 26, 2013

Building & Sharing 21st Century Digital Literacy Skills With Mozilla

Dear MOZILLA, Thank You! I just signed up to work with my small crew of teen girls in NYC & attend a free online course (May 2 - June 30) powered by MozillaThe initiative teaches 21st century digital literacy skills through making & learning together. Awesome!
"Teach the Web (#TeachTheWeb) is also the pre-game for the Mozilla Maker Party, which was announced earlier this week at the White House Science Fair. It's a global party to celebrate all the things we can make thanks tothe collaborative power of the web! Many Hive members and partners have already signed up to join this campaign that Mozilla is running with the National Writing Project and with support from the MacArthur Foundation." -from the Hive NYC blog, EXPLORE + SHARE + CREATE
I'll be tweeting (@cynthiajabar) & writing about it here on my storytelling blog. Join us! We're going to experiment, write & share our digital storytelling adventure.

twitter: #TeachTheWeb, @MozTeach

RELATED READING (suggestions welcome!)

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