Friday, November 15, 2013

Children's Book Trends 2013

As we approach the end of 2013, what trends can we see in the world of children's books? What does the future hold for 2014? Are ebooks sales reaching a plateau? Will apps & ebooks merge into yet another new kind of hybrid? How did predictions hold up & do they even matter? Here's what I'm reading as I create my digital strategy for 2014:

Slide decks from Dominique Raccah, Independent Publisher & CEO of Sourcebooks. 

You can find Dominique Raccah on twitter here.

Slides from Kristen Mclean's keynote speech at TOC Bologna 2013.


Kristen McLean is the founder and CEO of Bookigee, an innovative tech startup for the publishing industry that connects authors & content creators, publishers, and consumers.


What trends did you see emerge? Do you follow trends? 
Let's chat about it on twitter: @cynthiajabar 

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