Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New York Times picture book article

Here is the article that started all the 'ARE PICTURE BOOKS DEAD' HOOPLA.

 ipad doodle c. 2010 Cynthia Jabar  made with Autodesk Sketchbook Pro

 HIGHLIGHTS (or lowlights depending on your Epub point of view)
*picture books are so unpopular, so many of them die a sad little death
*economic downturn a factor but parents are pressing kids to read earlier because of increasingly rigorous standardized testing
*literacy experts are quick to say picture books are not for dummies
*kids have a lot of digital options

So what do you think is happening? Did you buy a picture book this year?

A few responses to the article:
The Storybird BLOG  "It's not that picture books are dead. Their production & distribution channels are dead. Just like music news and film."
One Potato BLOG  "Pish, I'm off to the movies now."

I personally don't think the turn-the-pages printed picture books will die. What about the thousands of people who live in poverty and don't have a digital device.
We all need stories.
I think publishers need to INNOVATE more and follow TREND LESS. How many vampires do we need?
I think the classics keep selling because they create an emotional experience. The UI rocks!
I think there is a market correction taking place propelled by the global economic downturn.
I think the celebrity picture book for celebrity sake is ova!
I think I'm going to get a nice hot cup of tea, read a picture book then continue creating my new picture book on my ipad!
The digital or print argument is a false choice.
It's AND.

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