While I was wandering around the web, WASTING TIME WITH JOY ON TWITTER,
I found: It's Nice That. Who?
"It’s Nice That curate, publish and direct the finest work and practitioners from across the creative industry, online, in print and across a series of events. Future:Content, the first It’s Nice That conference, is a one-day event looking at how we engage with, present, and define content across a number of platforms. Future:Content will offer the opinions of industry specialists and will aim to provoke debate and dialogue between audience and speaker with the hope of sparking further conversation across the industry."
While I was reading their #future:content twitter stream last November, I saw THIS fabulous PLAY MANIFESTO slide (author unknown) via a twitpic from @ivanpope who was tweeting from the event.
Yea, more of that please. It's 2011. Sign me up.
And why not?
We all know how important play is for the healthy development of kids, right?
You can see the slide presentation: PLAY & IMAGINATION by Milda Bredikyte here.
On his BLOG, Henry Jenkins interviews John Seely Brown & Douglas Thomas about their new book, A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change. He asks, "what would need to change for formal education to fully grasp and embrace the value of play?" Here's what they said:
"There are two critical things to realize. First, play is not trivial, frivolous or non-serious, in fact, quite the opposite. Play can be the place where we do our most serious learning. And second, it is something we do all the time. When we explore, we play. When we experiment, we play. When we tinker or fiddle, we play. Science is play. Art is play. Life, to a great extent, is play. Every great invention of the past hundred years has had an element of play in its creation. So we are using the word in a very deep and serious way. A big influence on our work was Johan Huizinga's book Homo Ludens, which goes so far as to make the argument that culture grew out of play, not the other way around. So, from Huizinga's perspective play is the most basic and most human part of us."
Listen to John Seely Brown talk about the importance of inspiring kids to CREATE & PLAY WITH KNOWLEDGE.
Play is just as important for adults as it is for kids.
We need to give ourselves permission to play more. We need to challenge what Henry Jenkins calls, "a puritan work ethic which distrusts play." Playing gives us room to explore our imagination and imagination leads to creativity, and creativity can change lives.
Jane McGonigal believes we can tackle the problems facing our world by PLAYING GAMES that are made to harness our COLLECTIVE CREATIVITY and affect social change. And she's pretty darn smart. Watch her TED TALK:
And listen to Steve Krell define THE PLAY REVOLUTION (for adults) and how it can change our world.
Maybe if we all PLAY MORE, we can IGNITE our collective imagination, create and collaborate to get this world out of the colossal mess we appear to be in.
Who's with us?
It's time.
I found: It's Nice That. Who?
"It’s Nice That curate, publish and direct the finest work and practitioners from across the creative industry, online, in print and across a series of events. Future:Content, the first It’s Nice That conference, is a one-day event looking at how we engage with, present, and define content across a number of platforms. Future:Content will offer the opinions of industry specialists and will aim to provoke debate and dialogue between audience and speaker with the hope of sparking further conversation across the industry."
While I was reading their #future:content twitter stream last November, I saw THIS fabulous PLAY MANIFESTO slide (author unknown) via a twitpic from @ivanpope who was tweeting from the event.
We demand the right to make spaces in our life where we can:
Yea, more of that please. It's 2011. Sign me up.
And why not?
We all know how important play is for the healthy development of kids, right?
On his BLOG, Henry Jenkins interviews John Seely Brown & Douglas Thomas about their new book, A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change. He asks, "what would need to change for formal education to fully grasp and embrace the value of play?" Here's what they said:
"There are two critical things to realize. First, play is not trivial, frivolous or non-serious, in fact, quite the opposite. Play can be the place where we do our most serious learning. And second, it is something we do all the time. When we explore, we play. When we experiment, we play. When we tinker or fiddle, we play. Science is play. Art is play. Life, to a great extent, is play. Every great invention of the past hundred years has had an element of play in its creation. So we are using the word in a very deep and serious way. A big influence on our work was Johan Huizinga's book Homo Ludens, which goes so far as to make the argument that culture grew out of play, not the other way around. So, from Huizinga's perspective play is the most basic and most human part of us."
Listen to John Seely Brown talk about the importance of inspiring kids to CREATE & PLAY WITH KNOWLEDGE.
We need to give ourselves permission to play more. We need to challenge what Henry Jenkins calls, "a puritan work ethic which distrusts play." Playing gives us room to explore our imagination and imagination leads to creativity, and creativity can change lives.
Jane McGonigal believes we can tackle the problems facing our world by PLAYING GAMES that are made to harness our COLLECTIVE CREATIVITY and affect social change. And she's pretty darn smart. Watch her TED TALK:
And listen to Steve Krell define THE PLAY REVOLUTION (for adults) and how it can change our world.
Maybe if we all PLAY MORE, we can IGNITE our collective imagination, create and collaborate to get this world out of the colossal mess we appear to be in.
Who's with us?
It's time.
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